Did you know that 40% of 9-18 year olds report having low back pain?

Were you aware that 1 in 7 GP appointments are for musculoskeletal problems with complaints of
back pain being the most common?

Did you know that low back pain is the most common reason people have sick leave?

Ever wondered why most adults will have low back pain at some point? It may be because we aren’t aware that we are putting ourselves at risk. We increase our risk of experiencing an episode of low back pain if we:

  • Smoke
  • Are overweight
  • Do not engage in enough physical activity
  • Have an awkward posture
  • Carry out heavy manual tasks
  • Are tired or distracted during an activity.

But, it’s not all doom and gloom, there are many ways to prevent and treat low back pain and not become one of the alarming statistics!

Unsurprisingly, the most effective prevention for low back pain is regular physical activity, which will be one of the many reasons why we’re always told to get up and get moving!
If you currently have low back pain, evidence suggests that you should avoid:

  • Bed rest.
  • Using and relying on back belts.
  • Taking Paracetamol as it is not effective and has the potential for harm.
  • Surgery & invasive treatments as they are not the answer to most back pain.
  • X-rays & MRI scans as they are rarely needed.

Treatments for low back pain that are encouraged and supported include:

  • Staying active and remain working.
  • Physical therapies such as massage, acupuncture and spinal manipulation.
  • Engaging in Tai Chi and Yoga.
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen or naproxen at the lowest effective dose for the shortest possible time, only when there has been an inadequate response to first line treatments.
  • Engaging in progressive relaxation and mindfulness-based stress reduction.
  • Engaging in a graded exercise programme that targets improvements in function and prevention of worsening disability, such as our 6 week rehabilitation course!

Contact one of our clinicians if you have any further questions, or wish to know more about our 6 week rehabilitation courses.

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